Homepage » Schedule of Violations and Penalties » Violations related to worker behavior

Violations related to worker behavior

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Violation typePenalty (deduction, a percentage of the daily wage)
First timeSecond timeThird timeFourth time
1Quarreling with co-workers or with others or causing riots in the workplace.1 day2 days
3 days
5 days
2Malingering or false demonstration by the worker that he/ she was injured while working or because of working.1 day2 days
3 days
5 days
3Absence from a medical examination when requesting the establishment’s physician, or refusing to follow medical instructions during treatment.1 day2 days
3 days
5 days
4Violation to health instructions placed in the workplace.50%
1 day2 days
5 days
5Writing on the walls of the establishment, or placing ads on it.Written warning
6Refusal to submit to administrative inspection upon leaving.25%
1 day2 days
7Failure to deliver the money collected to the establishment’s account on the specified dates without acceptable justification.2 days
3 days5 daysDismissal
with bonuses
8Refraining from wearing clothing, and devices for prevention and safety.Written warning
1 day2 days
5 days
9Intentionally being alone with worker of different gender in the workplace.2 days
3 days
5 days
with bonuses
10Inspiration of others to outrage modesty in word or deed.2 days
3 days5 days
with bonuses
11Assaulting co-workers by saying, or pointing, or using electronic means of abusive or insulting.2 days
3 days
5 daysDismissal
with bonuses
12Physical assaulting of co- workers, or others in a pornographic manner.Dismissal without bonuses, notice or compensation under Article (80)
13Physical or verbal assaulting or using any electronic means of communication against the employer, the responsible manager, or one of the heads during the work or because of it.Dismissal without bonuses, notice or compensation under Article (80)
14Submission of a complaint or a malicious complaint.3 days
5 days
with bonuses
15Failure to comply with the request of the investigation committee to appear, make statements, or testify.2 days
3 days
5 daysDismissal
with bonuses